Wordpress: How to Become a WordPress Consultant in a Nutshell

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It takes time, patience, endurance, energy, and commitment to become a well-known WordPress consultant. You may have mastered the installation of WordPress and the customization of themes, but you still have a long way to go before you can promote your consulting skills.

To be an expert in this subject, you must know how to deal with the WordPress platform's basic coding ideas and architecture. You'll be able to design themes, custom plugins, and numerous WordPress modules as you learn. You need be an expert on every aspect of the platform and programming languages in order to perform all of these things successfully.

We'll go through the fundamentals of what it could take to pursue a career in WordPress consulting in the sections below.

The Most Common WordPress Languages

Before you get right into WordPress consulting, you'll need to figure out what information you already have and what you'll need to gain. A WordPress consultant's ability to use many languages inside the platform is essential. You should be able to communicate in all of the platform's languages.

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a type of markup language (HTML)

HTML is a strong tool and the WordPress platform's base language. You can quickly construct and design sites with WordPress after you learn how to utilize this language. You'll work with features including headlines, page titles, data tables, paragraph content, and more as a WordPress consultant.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a type of style sheet that is used

The CSS language specifies the format for a website's page layout. The ability to make broad modifications throughout the entire site is an illustration of CSS's utility. You'd have to alter individual pages, boxes, sidebars, and other elements if you didn't use CSS. A WordPress expert would utilize a CSS style sheet to instantly achieve consistency on all 10 pages of a site if the font needed to be altered on all ten pages. We've put up a selection of resources to help you understand the fundamentals of CSS.

Pre-Processor for Hypertext (PHP)

"Personal home page" was the initial name for this language. PHP was renamed Hypertext Pre-Processor but maintained the moniker as it developed to encompass a far larger range of functions.

PHP is an HTML-based programming language that is free and open source. The script is processed by the hosting server when a PHP page is viewed. The PHP output is usually delivered as HTML, which the browser may view. Users practically never get access to the original PHP since it is converted to HTML before a webpage is ever loaded. As a result, PHP is safe enough to access data and store other sensitive information.

We've put up a tutorial to explain how PHP is utilized in the WordPress platform.


MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It's an open source format, similar to PHP, that developers and consultants may download and use for free. As a result, the MySQL and PHP combo is frequently employed across sites that are mostly data-driven.

In pages that are deemed dynamic, a WordPress expert would employ MySQL in conjunction with PHP. This implies that the content of each webpage is generated using data from a database.

A WordPress consultant may manage a site's MySQL data with a program like phpMyAdmin, which is designed for expert users.


This programming language is used to create webpages. It allows developers and consultants to change material across many pages. Turning static HTML into an interactive web page, for example. When an HTML file is opened, Javascript can embed the script so that it runs automatically.

This area is required if you want to be a superstar WordPress consultant.


jQuery makes it easier to deal with javascript by allowing you to link together several methods at once. When working with a lot of coding, it also makes your job easier. To help the process go smoothly, you'll use a variety of tools, including CSS manipulation, animation, and HTML sliding effects, to name a few.

Professor Benjamin can assist you make sure you're running scripts correctly, especially if you're using jQuery.


A WordPress consultant would utilize Ajax to transmit and receive data, as well as update page content without having to reload the website. To reduce the danger of data loss, WordPress utilizes it to automatically store drafts whenever users make posts. Furthermore, Ajax allows websites to become more responsive and interactive.

You do not need to be fluent in all of the languages listed above. However, having a functional knowledge of WordPress is essential if you want to become a WordPress consultant. It will also assist you in meeting client expectations and increasing your market visibility.

Make a list of WordPress resources.

To apply the fundamentals, you must first become familiar with the WordPress platform. As described below, there are several tools accessible to assist you in developing the talents of a top-notch WordPress developer.

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Sandbox for WordPress

Setting up a WordPress Sandbox is a good place to start since it allows you to acquaint yourself with the platform's functionality and interface in a safe environment. You may also follow along with several lessons from other online courses to learn more.

The WordPress Codex is a collection of resources for WordPress users

The WordPress Codex makes it easy to look for officially recognized words and tutorials. It provides you with access to the platform's base and allows you to grasp the user interface. It may also be used as a code reference.

Blogs on WordPress

Many blogs provide information on the platform and keep you up to speed on any new developments. Subscribing to updates will allow you to learn more efficient methods to utilize WordPress. Make it a habit to read them and offer the authors feedback.

Books on WordPress

If you're a novice, you should start with the basics, such as WordPress for Dummies. The 9th issue of this series, written by our friend Lisa Sabin-Wilson, will be released on January 7th, 2021. You'll learn how to use the platform and get about it. More advanced editions are available if you have progressed beyond the beginning stage.

WordPress Training Courses

You may decide to hire professionals to guide you through the procedure in order to get faster results. We have a number of WordPress tutorials available. Additionally, as a member of iThemes Training, you will have access to:

• All new premium courses produced and released throughout your membership year, including Nathan Ingram's monthly live training events named Freelance Leap Year.

• Replays and downloads of courses to watch and study at your leisure. Speeding Up WordPress with Nathan Ingram and AJ Morris is one of the replays accessible to members.

• A private Slack channel for members exclusively with guidance, ideas, and comments

• Access to a large collection of expert WordPress training courses

• WordPress fundamentals course to assist you in learning WordPress

• Access to the WordPress Developer Course once a year

Website powered by WordPress

You may also look at the central hub, which is utilized by a variety of WordPress contributors, including designers, translators, testers, and developers.

Site for WordPress Consultant and Developers

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The WordPress developer site includes advanced subjects to expand your comprehension if you want additional information from an expert's perspective. There are guidelines for creating plugins and themes.

Become a member of the WordPress community.

You may believe that coders just work with WordPress, but actively participating in the community will educate you a great deal. You'll be able to connect with a variety of expertise, including language specialists, company owners, back-end consultants, marketing professionals, and freelance web developers, to name a few. They can help you in any situation, especially if you become a useful member.

Every year, the WordPress community hosts thousands of events all around the world. Many of these are still being held online in 2020. You may even become a member of Post Status. This is the community for WordPress business professionals.

Website with WordPress Tutorials

WordPress classes are available on a variety of tutorial sites. Having access to a resource where you can learn how to put the key languages into practice is a terrific place to start. Code Academy and Code Avengers are two of them.

Slack Channels & Forums

Although forums aren't the most common place for a WordPress consultant to get started, it's important to diversify your options. The finest part about this strategy is that it assists you in locating people in the same business with whom you may contact to clarify why something did not work. Even if you are not a WordPress user, you may access the WordPress Forums, making this a useful tool for newcomers.

Slack is another amazing communication platform. As previously stated, joining iThemes Training grants you access to a unique Slack channel where you can get guidance, tips, and tricks.

Make a decision on your area of expertise.

You'll be relieved to find that WordPress is a diverse, broad, and constantly expanding sector as a potential WordPress consultant. You may select the optimal starting point for you based on your interests or skill set.

Gaining strong technical expertise in critical domains like as plugins and themes, on the other hand, offers additional possibilities. You can work in a variety of industries once you've decided on a speciality.

Business Consultant for WordPress

To work as a business consultant, you must be skilled in creating WordPress presentations for corporate events. It is critical to be a strategic thinker. A business consultant's ability to design a company's branding and marketing strategy is only one example of how critical thinking is used.

You should have all of the skills required to create a complete website. Don't forget to improve your SEO knowledge for both small and large businesses.

WordPress Professional is a professional version of WP.

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Theme creation is a terrific approach to earn a reputation if you believe you have the necessary knowledge. If you have a strong interest in graphic design, you will enjoy it. You have a limitless capacity to demonstrate your expertise because you can develop various distinct themes. Because CSS and HTML serve as the foundation for theme creation, it's best to have a deeper grasp of them.

Prepare to work on any brand and customize it to your liking. Any project you work on should have measurable outcomes, such as improved lead generation, search rankings, and money.

Expert in WordPress Coding

This title is for you if you're interested in altering WordPress to achieve a certain result. As a result, you should have a firm grasp on HTML and PHP, as you will be using them on a regular basis.

You can opt to dabble in plugin creation or offer sophisticated modification of a site that is already using a conventional WordPress theme if you are a coding specialist.

You should also have the knowledge to create the finest code that will result in the quickest website possible. E-commerce businesses might engage you to assist them in making the most of their website.

The WordPress Programmer

You may expand your expertise by moonlighting as a WordPress developer. Understanding the "core" of WordPress is critical for a developer. When you install WordPress, you are essentially installing the core. They are a collection of files that make up your site's admin interface. The back-end functionalities are made up of default files. You may respond to user inquiry tickets, make better ideas, enhance translations, and find and fix errors.

You may labor for free in certain circumstances, but interning will help you improve in other ways. As previously said, having the opportunity to reach out to a developer community will supply you with an enormous amount of expertise and input.

WordPress Developer on the Side

You can work alone or in a group as a freelance WordPress developer. You'll most likely be an expert in one field. Some freelancers, on the other hand, offer a variety of services.

It is easier to advertise oneself for career chances if you have the relevant abilities. It's also crucial to Alternatively, freelance platforms can support you get started, but establishing a solid reputation will help you attract additional clients.

Prepare for Obstacles: Design and SEO project with help

Working with WordPress will provide problems regardless of your area of expertise as a WordPress developer. As a result, you must be prepared to deal with concerns such as web page functioning, appearance, and more. Unresolved issues can result in system failures, coding flaws, and website outages. Downtime might lead to a loss of revenue.

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Because system flaws cause large crashes, they are one of the most common issues you may face. To support you tackle such difficulties quickly, you should master WordPress debugging.

Hacking and other security flaws might put a website's data at risk. Using iThemes Security Pro will support you secure and safeguard your own and your clients' websites.

It's also crucial to back up your WordPress website. You'll need to install a plugin like BackupBuddy because WordPress doesn't have built-in backups.

Make a Developmental Setting

Before managing big jobs in a live situation, practice helps you develop your talents. After you've learned how to create a theme and a plugin, you'll need to test them locally. As a result, create a local WordPress development environment.

Begin by downloading a server stack, which is a piece of software that serves as the operational infrastructure. Get MAMP if you're a Mac user, and XAMPP if you're a Windows user.

After that, you'll need a text editor to support you work on your code. You can use a basic one, but it is recommended that you utilize one of the more powerful systems, such as Atom. It's more advanced since it allows you to collaborate with other consultants and divide work into many viewing windows. These tools can help you get a head start on your WordPress development.

Make friends with the WordPress community.

You may choose to work on your projects alone, but interacting with other professionals in your field via the WordPress community is critical. Other WordPress consultants can support you with your development, provide assistance for your projects, and connect you with others. Creating a community will keep you up to date on the current trends while also enhancing your abilities.

Joining a pre-existing project might provide you with valuable insights into best practices. You will learn from others how to deal with a variety of problems. Instead of starting from scratch, you might build helpful methods by working on an abandoned theme or plugin.

Make it a practice to frequent a variety of forums in order to communicate with professionals and gain as much knowledge as possible. To develop your reputation as a knowledgeable expert, post your thoughts on a frequent basis and try to reply to questions.

You may also take a big step further and start a WordPress development blog. It enables you to connect with a vast community of consultants with whom you can discuss your experiences. You also link to other well-known blogs, which helps to spread your reputation and acquire confidence.

What Does It Take to Become a WordPress Consultant?

Now that you have the necessary skills and resources, you must construct your path to success. Start with a couple of the approaches described below, depending on the area of growth you've chosen to focus on.

Participate in the WordPress Core

You could be more interested in contributing to the platform than in the development of themes and plugins. For further information, please see the Core Contributor Handbook. It will give you a better understanding of how to operate as a developer on the platform. As a result, you may test new properties, report security problems, and fix errors, among other things.

Create a Theme

You can choose a theme and make it public if you've done enough study and experimentation in your development area. At first, keep it basic, but as you go, add some ingenuity and innovation. Proceed to put it through some extensive testing before submitting it to the website for comments. The replies will help you manage many WordPress sites, upgrade them, and alter them.

Create a Plugin

You can choose a specific feature that you want to add to WordPress and build a version when you first start using a plugin. Once you've achieved a positive result with your plugin, you may publish it to the directory and strive to improve it based on the comments you get.

How much does it cost to hire a WordPress consultant?

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You might be wondering how to bill customers for the many tasks you'll be working on as a consultant. It's important to keep in mind that the cost of employing one is determined by a variety of factors, including:

• Experience

• Job description

• Expertise level

• Location

WordPress consultants and developers earn an average of $76,526 a year, according to Glassdoor. You can work for a variety of firms as an employee. Many consultants, on the other hand, choose to operate as independent contractors. With the correct talents, you may earn hundreds of dollars in a few hours while working remotely.

Why Should You Make an Effort to Become a WordPress Consultant?

Aside from working on diverse websites, you'll have a lot of fun as a WordPress developer. The following are some of the advantages:

You may make money while still learning.

One of the most appealing aspects of working as a WordPress developer is that you may continue to improve your abilities while making money. You'll see certain areas where you haven't yet honed your talents whenever clients contact you. WordPress specialists must always educate themselves as a result of ongoing technical advancements. As a result, you'll have to master a new talent while continuing striving to solve numerous problems. You will, however, always be compensated for the services you provide.


Working as a WordPress consultant does not require you to work in a certain location or office. You may work from home and yet provide high-quality service to your clients. If you're working on a difficult assignment, you may always take a break to meditate and become more productive. Furthermore, because you are not restricted to set working hours, you can work overnight if it suits you.

You are in charge of your own schedule.

Working in various professions necessitates adhering to strict criteria. As a WordPress developer, on the other hand, you make online marketing decisions on behalf of your customer. It makes your job more pleasurable and allows you to be more creative.

You Have the Freedom to Pursue Your Dreams

If you've discovered your specialty and want to start your own WordPress business, you can. It also prepares you to work as a web marketer for small businesses and other organizations.

You have the chance to make a huge difference.

When you work as an employee, achieving major professional objectives requires time and a lot of effort. Working as a WordPress developer, on the other hand, allows you to do big things in a shorter amount of time. To become an expert on the platform, all you need is devotion and commitment. With the chance to build something that could completely change the way we use WordPress.

Even developing themes has the potential to provide an endless stream of cash. For example, Avada is the most popular WordPress theme of all time. This incredibly adaptable theme has been downloaded over 250,000 times at a cost of $60 per download. Avada comes with 250 pre-made designs and 40 completely functional websites, and it may be further customized using the builder.


WordPress is a user-friendly content management system, but it relies on your knowledge to flourish. To become one of the platform's most well-known specialists, you must invest in your education, skill sets, and marketability. Furthermore, your ability to endure in the face of challenges is critical to your success.

The information in this article should help you get started on your path to become the perfect WordPress consultant. In a variety of businesses, many clients will demand your services. There are many various venues to study, practice, and establish community depending on the sort of WordPress developer you want to be.

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