Best WordPress Consultant at a Fair Price

· Wordpress
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WordPress Beginners Get One-on-One Support!

The strength and versatility of the world's most popular website platform are impressive, but learning how to handle plugins, styles, widgets, and all the new vocabulary that comes with a WordPress site can be overwhelming for a novice.
I'm here to assist you! Our one-on-one appointments are organized to assist you in addressing the challenges that are stopping you from building the website of your dreams.
You're not alone if online tutorials and YouTube videos aren't providing you with all the information you need. I mostly deal with do-it-yourselfers who need some one-on-one assistance getting their project started.

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Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress

• Hosting

• WordPress Installation

• Page Speed / Load Times

• Caching

• Security

• Search Engine Optimization

• Site Migrations
WordPress Plugins & Themes

• Elementor

• Beaver Designer

• GeneratePress

• Astra

• Pods

• WP Rocket

• And More!

Your Website WordPress Consultant has Arrived!

Hi there! Kyle Van Deusen is my name. OGAL Web Design, a web design and production company just outside of Fort Worth, Texas, is owned and run by me.
After 15 years in print marketing, I transitioned to the web and discovered WordPress consultant, which gave birth to my business.
Although I do a lot of custom website design and construction work for corporations, I've learned that many people only need a little extra support to get them through a tough situation.
Although YouTube videos are beneficial, I've noticed that one-on-one WordPress consultant appointments are a safer way to get more customized help. Customers always inform me that we make better improvements in an hour than they did in a month!
If you're having problems with your website, I'd love to help you conquer the hurdles and build the website you've always wanted!
I can assist you with a range of WordPress SEO problems.

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Having a place to stay

If you're hunting for the first host or you're unhappy with your current one and want to choose, it's important that you choose the right one. Website consultation will assist you in assessing your needs and connecting you with a cost-effective hosting solution that will suit your website's specifications.

Installing WordPress

Are you having problems installing WordPress? If you get stuck on stage one, you're not alone; it happens to a lot of WordPress consultant newbies. Request a consultation to assist you with getting a copy of WordPress built and ready to construct your website!

Page Speed & Time to Load

Is your website taking a long time to load? The success of your web depends on its consistency and loading times. I'd be pleased to assist you in introducing tried-and-true efficiency tweaks to have your website going like a champ!

The act of caching

While website caching can be difficult to understand, there are simple ways to manage your caching solution. Book a website WordPress consulting with me, and I'll teach you how to introduce a caching solution that will boost the efficiency of your website SEO and reduce load times!

Safety is paramount.

One of the most critical things to remember is the security of your website. There's no worse feeling than seeing your website taken offline because of a malicious attack. With a full review of your website security setup, you can make sure you have the right security stack in place.

SEO stands for "search engine optimization."

What good is a website if no one knows about it? With years of search engine optimization experience, I will assist you in applying validated techniques to begin climbing the rankings and drawing more eligible traffic to your website!

Migration of Websites

Are you apprehensive about switching hosting providers? Yeah, indeed! It's a frightening prospect! We will assist you in migrating your platform to a different hosting company if you arrange a consultation. Give yourself peace of mind by ensuring that your data will be secure and your relocation will be done correctly.

Blogs & Website Structure

There are incorrect ways to set up a website, and getting out of a tangle can be a real pain! I will assist you in creating a website framework that will allow you to scale and expand your website easily over time.

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Is it time to recruit a WordPress SEO consultant?

If you're having trouble replicating what you saw in a video or sound like you're wasting too much time trying to figure something out, then hiring a site consultant is the way to go!
It's great that you're designing your own website; congratulations! However, the field of website creation can be intimidating and perplexing.
Since we can look specifically at your issue on your website, a one-on-one appointment can provide you with more straightforward answers than any guide.
The average client tells me they've been stuck trying to find things out for days, weeks, or even months, and we fix it in one consultation.

If you're lost, irritated, or just know there's got to be a better way, schedule a consultation with us today and we'll get your website project back on track!

Guidelines on Making the Best of Your Appointment

Make a list of all the problems you're dealing with. Some problems can be solved in minutes, but making a list can help us cover as much territory as possible!
And send me your questions ahead of time. Please give me a list of your questions so that I can be properly prepared for our conversation. This helps the procedure go more smoothly, and I'll be able to jump straight in and help you fix your problems!
Make sure you have Zoom enabled on your computer. Our meeting will be held via Zoom video conferencing. You don't have to be on tape, so don't be bothered (though it does make communication more efficient). This app will allow us to document the call for your convenience, as well as exchange screens and quickly troubleshoot any WordPress SEO problems.
First, make a copy of the website. We don't have any issues, so if we are to make significant adjustments, making a buffer during our call takes a long time, which may result in extra appointments or not having anything done.

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Will you want to make sure we're a decent match for each other?

This is awesome! While we deliver a full money-back policy if we are unable to assist you, it is always a good idea to use my email page to tell me about your problems.
I'll get back to you as soon as possible to see whether I can assist you or make a suggestion.
I will always guide you in the right direction without even having to call!

Frequently Asked WordPress Consulting Questions

What does it entail to be a WordPress site Consultant?

In a number of areas, a website specialist will assist you. We sometimes assist consumers in solving challenges or finding the necessary software for their WordPress project. We occasionally get interested in website design on a more long-term basis.

What Happens During a Consultation?

Our consultancy firm is focused on making it simple and open for you. You can select a time and date that fits best for you using our online booking form. At the time of our appointment, you'll get a calendar invite and a connection to access a Zoom call.
We'll be able to share screens and even hold a live video conference using Zoom. But don't worry, you're not obligated to be on camera if you don't want to.

How can I know you'll be able to assist me?

If you're not sure if I can help with your particular question, please use the contact form below to reach out and tell me about it. I'll happily let you know if I can assist you with your specifications.

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Do you have any other consultancy services in addition to WordPress web design?

Yeah, indeed! I've spent over 15 years partnering with small companies to help them implement campaign campaigns that can help them gain recognition and expand their client base. I have a background in print design and branding, as well as a market development degree.

What Happens If You Can't Assist Me?

If we come to the realization during our video conference that I am unable to assist you as you had hoped, I would happily and promptly refund your payments. Every time, I want you to feel like you've had more than your money's worth!

What Sorts of Project Do You Usually Assist With?

I've collaborated with a wide variety of businesses. This involves working with nearby mom-and-pop shops, internet retailers, and also fellow website developers and project managers on their projects. What Should I Do to Make the Best of My Call?

Customers who arrive prepared for their appointment get the most out of it. In an hour, we will normally get through a lot of questions. If you make a list of questions ahead of time and give it to me to check, I'll happily look it over so I can be armed for any materials that will support us through our call.

Make an appointment for a consultation online!

The easy online booking form will encourage you to arrange your website appointment at a time and date that is convenient for you! Select a date, insert your contact and payment details, and your appointment will be saved.
On the day of your appointment, we'll send you the required information, a calendar reminder, and a connection to join the call.