WordPress: What is the best way to find a WordPress Expert?

· WordPress Expert
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It is not as simple as it may appear to accurately define all of the tasks and abilities connected with WordPress development. WordPress expert can specialize in a wide range of web development tasks. • WordPress websites account for around 35% of all websites on the internet. They create bespoke websites for customers, build new features on existing websites, create custom plugins and modules, and so on.

• WordPress is used to build 60% of CMS-based websites.

• WooCommerce accounts for around 30% of all e-commerce.

What exactly is WordPress?

WordPress.org is an open-source PHP-based content management system (CMS). WordPress was created to make it easier to post blogs, but it has since developed. Its initial version was published in 2003, and according to current studies, WordPress is now used by over 455.000.000 websites.

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The plugin architecture of WordPress allows users to extend and improve the features and functions of their websites or blogs. Each plugin has its own set of functionalities that allow users to tailor their websites and features to their individual requirements. On the WordPress Plugin Directory, you can find over 54k free WordPress plugins.

WordPress themes are stylesheets and layouts that define how a WordPress website looks. Each theme has a unique look and set of features that allows you to personalize your website or blog.

Because it simply takes five minutes to setup, WordPress makes web publishing simple.

WordPress, furthermore, has a fantastic community. It's still expanding. WordPress content is available in over 120 languages, making it more accessible and multinational.

Full WordPress services: How does it work?

1st step

Free project creation

Create your free project by filling out our form or calling us. We'll walk you through the whole process and assist you in defining your needs.

2nd Step

Make contact with specialists who are certified.

Once we have your specifications, we will match you with the best experts and developers in the area who will begin working on your project within 24 hours, based on your exact needs and criteria.

3rd step

In less than 24 hours, you may hire someone or start a project.

You may hire hourly or for a project after connecting with your qualified expert, and start getting your task done right away with thorough weekly reports and payment on delivery.

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Technical abilities of a WordPress Developer

The majority of WordPress developers pick between developing themes and developing plugins. In both circumstances, though, some talents are unavoidable.

Technical skills that are a must-have include: WordPress Expert for Website

1. HTML - HTML is a markup language that describes how a webpage's content is displayed. A WordPress developer's ability to work with HTML is unavoidable.

2. CSS - CSS determines how an element appears on a webpage. CSS knowledge is required for WordPress development.

3. Text Editor — A text editor is required for all developers. They can select the one that best meets their requirements. Some of these must be recognizable to WordPress developers. For novices, Notepad++ is commonly suggested. It is the simplest to use. Sublime, Atom, and Brackets.io are some more text editors that may be utilized.

4. Basic Photoshop - A WordPress developer's tasks include converting PSD to HTML.

5. PHP — The backbone of WordPress is powered by PHP. The understanding of PHP syntax is required for developing WordPress themes, plugins, and customizing the default behavior of WordPress using actions and filters.

6. JavaScript — Front-end development necessitates the use of this language. It's in charge of making themes and plugins interactable. Front-end WordPress developers are familiar with at least one Js framework (Vue.js, Angular, Next.js), as well as JavaScript libraries (jQuery, Backbone).

7. Bootstrap - This framework aids developers in saving time and avoiding the need to code from the ground up. All standard HTML, CSS, and Js components are included.

8. Databases - A database is a structured collection of data that has been arranged. MySQL should be used by a WordPress developer. Those developers who work on the site's back end should be more knowledgeable in this area. MySQL is in charge of the WordPress database's user data, user meta, posts, comments, and other elements.

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More about the WordPress developer's expertise

Aside from strictly (or largely) technical talents, here are some more considerations for WordPress developers:

1. Planning and time management

2. Business and marketing skills

3. SEO

4. Dedication and motivation - lifelong learning and progress

Using GitHub and BitBucket is a great approach to get into the right mindset. WordPress programmers must be naturally interested and willing to learn.

Salary for WordPress Developer

Salaries for WordPress developers vary depending on the sort of involvement and their location. Salaries anticipated of freelancers differ from those expected of in-house developers.

According to several recent research, even popular websites tasked with obtaining this type of data have disparate outcomes.

After combining the data, the experts concluded that the average full-time WordPress developer salary in the United States is $63,348.

Another piece of data suggests that the average Upwork freelance WordPress developer costs between $20 and $100.

After further investigation, the findings revealed that the bulk of freelance WordPress developers make less than $15 per hour, with only 2% charging more than $60 per hour.

Different wage levels are available on specialized freelance marketplaces like Codeable. A good hourly wage for a WordPress developer is generally over $60.

If you narrow your search to North America just, the pay expectations rise.

In Europe, wages are somewhat lower than in the United States. Senior WordPress developers in Western Europe earn $5,800 per month, whereas senior WordPress developers in Central Europe earn roughly $3,000 per month. Eastern Europe has lower numbers, with a monthly wage of $2,200.

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Using the Internet to Hire WordPress Developers for development

Developers enjoy working from home. Many businesses allow their workers to work from home at least 3-5 times each month.

When it comes to career prospects, one of the most important traits developers strive for is flexibility.

Balkan developers are accustomed to working in a virtual environment. This method of working allows people to strike the ideal balance between their personal and professional lives.

Hiring a WordPress developer from the Balkans has various advantages. This field's IT specialists are well-versed in the latest technologies and trends. Tags: wordpress expert, wordpress experts, services, support, site, service, view, quality, help, speed optimization, issue,

The majority of WordPress developers in the Balkans have a solid technical background and have worked remotely and on-site with international customers. They are well-versed in the European and American markets, and they are fluent in English.

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Do you have a question about WordPess?

How much does hiring a WordPress developer like you cost? Do you charge by the hour?

I don't have one, unlike other WordPress professionals online. For a scope of work that we agreed on, I provide my clients a fixed charge.

This way, you'll know exactly how much it'll cost you up front.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Without a doubt. All of the websites I create are mobile-friendly and responsive.

Do you provide continuous maintenance assistance?

Yes, I agree. It depends on your requirements, and we can always talk about it.

Will my website be SEO-friendly?

I'll perform basic SEO improvements such as utilizing suitable title and meta tags and ensuring that the page loads quickly for a better user experience.

What are your conditions of payment?

In most circumstances, I want a whole payment up front.

When working on larger projects, I like to break things down into stages.

Then you just have to pay 100 percent ahead for the current stage that we're working on, rather than 100 percent upfront for the entire project.

Is it possible to get a refund?

I can only offer you a refund in two circumstances:

• If I am unable to complete the job due to my own fault.

This choice has a very low chance of happening since I'm highly selective about the projects I take on and only accept tasks that I'm convinced I can complete.

• If you change your mind after we've begun working on a project and you've already paid a deposit.

In other cases, I am unable to provide a refund.

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